Top 8 Office Cleaning Tips

Keeping your office clean and tidy can work wonders for business productivity and creates a more professional image for your business. Here are our top 10 tips for cleaning and maintaining a tidy office:

  1. Find a storage solution that works

Unorganised paperwork is one of the main reasons for offices looking messy.

Finding a storage solution that works for you not only makes your office look cleaner but it will improve efficiency as it will be easier to find the documents you’re looking for.

There are a variety of storage solutions available such as desk trays, bookshelves and filing cabinets.


2. Regularly wipe down your desk

It’s a good idea to wipe down your desk regularly. The last thing you want is a build up of coffee stains or ink stains from pens. A clean desk is vital for improved morale at work and will give a good impression to customers visiting your office. Not only will your desk look nicer but it will have less germs and bacteria crawling around on it.


3. Don’t forget about your electronics

Where there’s electronics, there is dust!

Make sure you take the time to dust off your computer every now and then. You can do this with a soft cloth or a duster. An antibacterial spray could also be ideal for wiping down your phones etc but don’t spray it on your computer screen!


4. Empty your bins regularly!

Try to place several bins around the office so that rubbish doesn’t pile up on your or your coworkers desks.

You should empty these bins into external bins everyday.


5. Keep your bathrooms clean

It’s vital that you regularly disinfect staff and customer bathrooms! Toilet and bathroom areas are where the most germs can be transmitted which results in increased sickness.

A professional cleaning company can carry out these duties on your behalf if you don’t have the time to do it yourself.


6. Keep your kitchens clean

Make sure food is disposed of as soon as staff have finished eating. It’s important to clean sinks, worktops and tables at least once a day.

The kitchen is another area where bugs are often transmitted so it’s important to sanitise these areas in addition to cleaning.


7. Clean your reception area

Your reception area is one of the most important areas in your building.

A clean well presented reception adds to your company’s brand and is important for both staff and visitors.


8. Hire a professional cleaning service

Hiring professional and fully trained cleaners can save you a great deal of time. Professional cleaners normally have access to powerful cleaning resources and can use their skills to achieve a higher standard of cleanliness.

Why not focus on what you do best and leave major cleaning duties to the professionals who love cleaning?


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